These are projects created during my third year at university called Advanced Technologies. This module puts a focue on studying and implementing low-level technologies in games.
In this project, I wrote a collision detection system alongside a basic OpenGL rendering pipeline.
The collision system using Separating Axis Theorem(SAH) to calculate collisions between cubes. Have also implemented a basic Bounding Volume Hierarchy to decrease the amount of collision calculations.
Technologies used:
In this project, I implemented a basic ray-tracer in C++. I used a Bounding Volume Hierarchy to optimise the amount of ray-geometry intersection checks. Which improved the performance of the application. Multi-threading has also been added to application too.
Technologies used:
In this project, I implemented a skeletal animation system. I used Assimp to load the meshes, textures and animation data into the scene. I’ve also added interpolation to achieve a smoother look to animation between key frames.
Technologies used: